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Kimball Youth Group

Here at Kimball one of the three primary ministries is our youth group. In this ministry our primary goal is for each child to know Jesus and His love for them. Our second goal for this ministry is for each of these children to grow and develop in Christ's love, so that they can shine His light to others as they go through life. We try to accomplish these goals by studying God's word in an effort to show these children God's love and His will. We also accomplish these goals by serving others. We do this by doing a wide variety of service projects in the surrounding communities. 


Challenge Youth Conference (CYC) is a yearly event that takes place in February in Pigeon Forge. It is an amazing time of fellowship and bonding as a group. Getting to worship our God with approximately 10,000 other Christians is a very uplifting blessing.

2024 Sycamore Bible Bowl

This is one of the two Bible Bowls that we participate in each year. Sycamore Church of Christ puts this Bible Bowl on each Fall in Cookeville, Tn. at Tennessee Tech.

Small Fun Events

This is an escape room we did this past summer. This is just one of many different fun activities we do each year.


Late Night Praise (LNP) is typically one of the groups favorite event. It is a unique way to sing praises. This event is typically a summer event that happens several times a month.

Large Fun Events

This past summer we went to Dollywood. The teens typically vote on this event in the past we have been to Six Flags, Lake Winnie, and even Braves games.

2024 Lads to Leaders Conference

This was our first year in the L2L program. We had lot's of fun getting to celebrate each member of our groups accomplishments, as well as other local congregation.

2024 Isaiah House

Some of our teens went and volunteered at an Isaiah House to help the workers there swap from summer to winter clothing.

Want to learn more about what the youth group does What is a……? Teen Devo- a teen devo or devotional is a time of worship specifically for the teenagers. This is typically for grades 6-12. We spend time singing, hearing a devotional, and eating and fellowshipping with one another. These events are sometimes in our church building and sometimes in our members homes. Teen Singing- a teen singing is exactly what it sounds like. The singings are hosted at Chattanooga area congregations. Typically on the 2 nd Sunday of each month. We leave right after morning services and go to the singings sometimes stopping to get fast food for lunch depending on time. They will also serve refreshments after the singing. Elementary Devo- a elementary devo or devotional is a time of learning for our younger children. These are sometimes led by Matthew or the teenagers. We sing songs, listen to a Bible story, do crafts, work on memorizing the books of the Bible and scriptures. Refreshments are served at these as well. Service Projects- a service project is our way of sharing love with others. We have done many service projects in the past including blessing bags for the homeless, coats for the homeless, working in the warehouse at Churches of Christ Disaster Relief in Nashville, gathering toys for our congregations Christmas toy program, yard work for the elderly, clean up days at our building, fruit baskets to the widows and shut ins, random acts of kindness left in our community, etc. 5th Sunday- every 5 th Sunday evening the young men of the congregation help lead our worship services. They lead singing, pray, and read scripture. The young ladies are encouraged to participate in the 5 th Sunday fellowship meal in some way. This can be by setting up, cleaning, up, preparing a dish, serving, etc. Lads 2 Leaders- L2L is a program for the youth and adults. There are many different programs that you can participate in. This is to encourage our youth to become leaders in our congregations. There are many different programs including song leading, memorizing scripture, service projects, Bible bowl, etc. One of our deacons, Zach Warren, is in charge of L2L. There is a convention each Easter weekend in Nashville we will attend to receive awards for those who earn them and for the youth to participate in the convention events. Bible Bowl- we participate in two Bible bowl competitions a year. One at L2L in Nashville at the convention and the other in Cookeville, TN. Each competition will assign a book or books of the Bible and the questions will come from that book. Each participant is on a team of 4 and they are given a piece of paper with A,B, C on it. The questions will be displayed on a screen as well as being read verbally. The announcer calls time and each participant has to raise the piece of paper with the correct answer on it to receive credit. We try to cover this material in our classes but we also encourage the children and parents to read and study the book as well. In addition to the actual competition we also have monthly Bible bowl practices to help cover the material and prep them with how it will be set up at the competition. Lock In- a lock in is a time of fun for the children to spend time with one another and get to know one another. We stay up all night (you can sleep if you want) and play games and just HAVE FUN!! There are adult chaperones at these events and no one is allowed to leave during the night without parents permission. Late Night Praise- this is a time we spend together singing. Feel free to come 30 minutes early and bring your own dinner. We start with singing with the lights on and trying to learn new songs. We end with the lights out singing songs with no distractions. Prayer group-we break off into boys and girls groups. Katie leads the girls group and Matthew leads the boys. We discuss the good (what good things are going on in your life), the bad (what is not going so great in your life), and the ugly (what you are struggling with). We then pray together as a group about these things. We encourage them to continue to pray over these things until the next prayer group.

830 Main St.

Kimball, TN 37380


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